Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart

be acceptable in thy sight.

As I utter these words I can anticipate a demonic fight.

Satan won't let me win this fight without doing all he can.

He has been our enemy since our life with Christ began

Satan looks for carnal Christians, they are an easy prey.

He watches over them and reminds them of their sins night and day.

His whole objective is to discourage them and lead them astray

He wants them to doubt their salvation and to hear them say.

Maybe God is mad at me for all the things I did wrong.

It was my choice I knew I was doing wrong all along.

How can God forgive me when I am always making bad choices and mistakes?

Let me tell you, that if you ask God for forgiveness and repent, that's all it takes.

God loves you and only wants what's best for you.

He loves you with Agape love a love that's truly true.

Not only that, after He forgives your sins He remembers them no more.

No God isn't in the "I'll get even with you for that," He doesn't even keep score.
