In these days and times we really need God and each other.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

In these days and times we really need God and each other.

We must remember that God designed us all as sisters and brothers.

We need each other to help each other in the time of trials of life.

Together, unified, we can stand through the storms, trials and strife.

Going to a church that worships Jesus Christ as Lord is good

There are people of all walks of life there, it's understood.

Some may be having a bad day and need to be encouraged there and then

Others are doing great and can help them back into fellowship again.

In church we are in God's house and He watches out after us all .

In our body of Jesus Christ believers it's on His name we call.

We worship God and let Him know we really appreciate his love.

That we acknowledge that Jesus came down to save us from heaven above.

It's a wonderful life when we have a great relationship with the family of believers.

Unfortunately many unhappy people are duped and go to a place of deceivers.

God is a loving and forgiving God and only wants the best for His family it's true.

So the lesson of the day is prioritize attending church, it's so good for you.