Being content in this life is sometimes very hard to do.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Being content in this life is sometimes very hard to do.

There are so many things to accomplish before our life is through.

We all have goals and dreams that we think of night and day.

Sometimes I wish all those thoughts of mine would go away.

But we were designed to accomplish certain things in life, it's true.

each of us has a specific talent and skill that God gave to me and you.

Being content is not complacency and that's for sure.

and it's not the greed of the world wanting more, more and more.

Being content is the lesson that Apostle Paul in the Bible had to learn.

He had been prosperous and then, poor, each created concern.

But he, like us, needed to realize these things happen in life.

When these things happen they can create turmoil and strife.

But with God as the focus in our life we can overcome stress and greed.

We must learn that we are in the family of God and He provides all that we need.

He feeds the birds of the air and the fish in the sea

And we must remember that he is our heavenly father and he loves you and me