Living the simple life is a matter of choice.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Living the simple life is a matter of choice.

Since I stated this way of life I now rejoice.

When I have a problem and don't know what to do.

I ask for God to help me and He always comes through.

So many times in the past I struggled with stress and grief.

I now realize that this was playing into the hands of the thief.

The thief came to steal kill and destroy and he's still doing today.

He doesn't want us to know that there's a better way.

Yes! Jesus came to relieve us of all that pain, grief and stress.

So many people today don't know how to take care of their mess.

But when you trust in Jesus and let him control your life.

You can be assured that there will be an elimination or reduction in strife.

Today, I want you to try this new way to live a life of peace, joy and hope.

So many try to substitute the real thing with alcohol, sex or dope.

They find out this doesn't work and it entails more and more of the same

If you are in this dilemma, I can tell you, you're in a losing game.

Why not give it up and try something that is proven to always work for you.

Asking God for His help, which He will do until your life is through.

Living the good life is what we, as God's family, were designed to do

So today ask Him to forgive you past sins, repent and then you can start life anew.