As a retired Naturopath Doctor I want to give you a prescription for a wonderful life.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

As a retired Naturopath Doctor I want to give you a prescription for a wonderful life.

In this world today, as you know, there is so much unrest, fear, turmoil and strife.

Many people are upset and grumpy because of life's problems today.

My prescription is simple, low cost and will work for you everyday.

That prescription is to smile and laugh everyday starting now.

Many don't know what to do about this or even how.

But your assignment is to find something funny to make you laugh or smile.

For some of you, this is a challenge because it's been, for many, quite a while.

Quite a while since you laughed out loud, an old fashioned belly laugh is what I mean.

This is something to work on now that will defeat the enemies scheme.

He wants you miserable, upset, afraid, and so much more.

But you must know that joy and happiness will even out the score.

It's nice to be around people with a happy positive attitude, it's true.

You are the one that determines how you live your life, yes, it's up to you.

If you are a child of the living God you know He wants to see you smile and enjoy life.

So my prescription is for you to laugh, smile and be happy and don't give in to strife.