Do you sometimes feel like you've been forgotten in life?

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Do you sometimes feel like you've been forgotten in life?

Many that were active in their prime years now live in strife.

They are like the forgotten generation, considered obsolete now.

Many are put in nursing homes or senior retirement homes and that's how.

These people that were considered very valuable in years past.

Now spend their 'golden years' trying to remember what happened last.

They spend their days, lonely and sad waiting for a visit or a call.

Many haven't seen or heard from family for weeks or maybe not at all.

Thank God, this isn't for all of us. We have friends and family that care.

It's just that so many are considered just a nuisance and that's why they are there.

In their younger productive years they cared for their loved ones every day'

They had no idea that when the time came to retire they'd be treated that way.

But the good news is that someday all Christians will be in heaven some day full of joy.

It will be like the happiness, excitement and a great life many had as a little girl and boy.

Now in their days in heaven will be filled with joy and happiness once again, Hooray!.

Jesus and his host of angels and their deceased loved ones will also be them to stay