Are you living life in an expectant way?

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Are you living life in an expectant way?

Are you expecting great blessings on you today?

Living your life excited and in expectancy now.

Is a great and wonderful way to live, yes,that’s how.


So many even dread waking up in the morning, it’s true.

They are not expecting anything good to happen, is that you?

We should all live excited knowing that we will; be blessed.

Just watch what you say, because you’ll get what you confessed.


Yes! If we could only realize the benefits before us today.

And knowing that Almighty God  wants us to worship Him and pray.

That he has incredible  blessings that will chase us down

He wants to see us smiling and enjoying life, not with a frown.


Life is to short to always be worried and experiencing stress.

If this is for you this is the day to get over that sadness and stress mess

Yes! We can be excited about the coming events for me and you.

God wants to bless you, in supernatural way today, in whatever you do.,