I hope someday when my task here on earth is done

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

I hope someday when my task here on earth is done

I’ll finally meet face to face my Jesus, God’s son.

I hope I ‘ll be really welcomed there.

And that my poems I can continue to share.


As I meet in heaven others that completed their God assigned task.

I will have a lot of questions to ask.

What was their life like when they were on the earth?

Did they know they were anointed even at birth?


I’m sure they’ll have many questions for me too.

They may want to know why I did and what I do.

My anointing to write poems I don’t believe end there.

No, there I can continue to write poems without a care.


I’m also sure that the poems that I then write,’

Will be very different and always a delight.

Without all the turmoil, hatred, bitterness that’s here now.

I can then write  happy, joyful, praising poems WOW!