Some of us have been facing trials for a long time now.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Some of us have been facing trials for a long time now.

We’ve had these problems, but maybe don’t know why or how,

These circumstances are creating heartaches and pain.

Just know this, the God that loves us, said they won’t remain.

No, in every life there are seasons, some longer than others.

But just like the 4 seasons here for my sisters and brothers.

These troubled times will pass and we will have peace again.

Of this you can be reassured, we just don’t know how or when.

But God is always on our side through the ‘thick and thin’.

Stay faithful and true and just like in Bible times, yes,  we win.

The enemy is out to kill, steal and destroy me and you.

But as a child of the Living God, here’s what we must do.

Never give up, keep your faith strong in the Lord today.

Don’t listen to what the enemy or naysayers have to say.

In this world today there is so much negativity and fear.

But remember as children of God, we know that He’s always near.