Have you ever thought about your true value?

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Have you ever thought about your true value?

Do you value yourself by what you wear,  where you are or what you do?

So many people undervalue themselves this way, it’s true.

They don’t realize they are a child of the living God, yes that’s you.

God breathed His very special anointing breath into you at birth.

This makes you very valuable, if we could only realize our worth.

If you base your worth on your title behind your name.

That doesn’t determine your worth, that’s the worlds game.

No, we each have to realize and appreciate who and what we are.

Our true value doesn’t come from our expensive clothes, home or car.

These wordly attributes will someday lose their value, they will depreciate.

But if we could only realize our true worth to God, we could then appreciate.

No! It’s not the designer clothes, shoes, watch or any other worldly thing you wear.

Your worth and value is that you are a masterpiece designed by God, that cares.

Don’t get me wrong, He wants you prosperous, well and enjoying a Godly life.

But depending on the approval of people will only create heartaches and strife.