I sometimes wonder who reads my poems each day.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

I sometimes wonder who reads my poems each day.

These poems are inspired by Almighty God, as I pray.

He always has something profound to tell you and me..

Jesus wants me to write these poems for all to see.

Some of these poems are controversial I agree too.

Some I don't even want to write, they'll disturb you.

I do receive a few comments from time to time

They don't always like these words that are not mine.

As I write sometimes the words come faster than I can type.

These are always words of wisdom from the master, not hype.

These poems also teach me the lesson that I type in haste.

Knowing that time is short and this message is nothing to waste.

We all know that Jesus will return someday to take us home

If He returned today will you be ready or forever moan?

If you have received Jesus as your Lord and Savior, good.

Because that's the only way to heaven, He wants that understood.