Sometimes we all do a dumb thing.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Sometimes we all do a dumb thing.

It was our mistake, yes it was actually a sin.

But God’s mercy covers our mistake.

He forgives us when our repentance is not fake.


We all make mistakes in life, yes that includes you.

I know I’ve made mistakes that I know I shouldn’t do.

But thank God, He forgave my sin each time.

He didn’t compare your stupid sin to mine.


Thank God for His unrelenting mercy in our life.

Our sin and our mistake is what can and did cause strife.

If you were unfaithful in a relationship, you’ll know what I mean.

Or if you cheated in some other way and then you did it again.


This is one huge difference between God’s forgiveness to you.

With friends or family they say that they can forgive you too,

But the difference is they will remember what you did for years.

While God forgives and forgets what you did as you repented in tears.