Today’s message is all about what you think and say.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Today’s message is all about what you think and say.

Just know what you say and think about yourself will come your way

So many use negative thoughts and words about themselves everyday.

They don’t think of themselves in a positive God blessed way.

If they could only realize the power of their words and thoughts today.

They would be much more careful with what they would think then say.

Start today saying good things about yourself like I am blessed, prosperous, healthy, wise and good looking too.

That I attract blessings, prosperity and success in all that I do.

Stop today with all that inferiority complex, that you actually believe.

Start speaking words of faith and victory and what you want to receive,

Life is too short to live unhappy, depressed with a low esteem.

I’m talking to many, and if this describes you, you know what I mean.

It’s so easy to listen and believe all those negative voices, it’s true.

They always speak depressing negative words and of what you cannot do.

But Almighty God made you a winner in life,, healthy strong, prosperous and great.

Now today speak words of confidence, that I am truly incredible, No! It’s not too lat