There’s such a thing called a ‘Commanded Blessing,’ that many don’t know about, do you?

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

There’s such a thing called a ‘Commanded Blessing,’ that many don’t know about, do you?

This is a incredible blessing that can make all your dreams come true.

If you’ll keep on honoring God in your life everyday.

You will eventually experience the ‘Commanded Blessings,’ some day.


The dreams and goals that you have earnestly tried to get and do.

Well just know, these are getting ready to materialize for you.

Your job is to keep honoring God and to keeping the faith each day.

Then you will see them materialize in some supernatural way.


God hasn’t forgotten you and that God inspired goal and dream.

No He hasn’t. Discouragement is an effective tool in the enemy’s scheme.

Our job is to birth our goal and dream that will change the world tomorrow.

Yes, your goal and dream could eliminate a great deal of worldly sorrow.


So my advice to you is to hang in there and keep on keeping on now.

It’s going to happen in God’s perfect timing, we just don’t know when or  how.

So today, put a smile on your face and a spring in your step knowing

these facts.

And thanking God daily for the incredible results, even before He acts.
