Letting go of the past is the lesson of the day.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Letting go of the past is the lesson of the day.

It’s so easy to reminisce over past in your special way.

Thinking over the past good times we had, we all tend to do.

But, as we all know, we tend to remember bad things too.

The past is the past and this is a new day, this is now.

How can we renew our mind to live happy? Here’s one way how.

Live your life helping others in their time of need.

Helping in whatever way you can, don’t be stingy, but exceed.

In these troublesome times, everyone needs a true friend.

A friend through good times and bad and one that can defend.

I can assure you, He will be the best friend you’ll ever have or had.

It’s Jesus, accept as your Savior and Lord  and make all of heaven glad.

Yes, Jesus is a friend that will always love you and be there for you.

He will always be there to help and comfort you, your whole life through.

Not just in this life but our life hereafter, in heaven, when you are there.

And also enjoying your new incredible life in heaven without a care.