Do you really believe in the God of the Bible or who or what?.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Do you really believe in the God of the Bible or who or what?.

Some confess to be Christians, but they really are not.

To be a true Christian is really not that hard to be or do.

But it does take some commitment and Bible study, it’s true.


Let’s see what the Bible tells us about the one true and only God.

We believe there is only one eternal God, yes we are to them, odd.

Other religions have many gods and their religion is false today.

They use the same Biblical terminology to lead many people astray.


God has always been God. He is an eternal and everlasting God, it’s true.

Many other religions don’t believe this, so what do they do?

They make up stories and tell about their so called prophets that lied

These fables are believed by their unfortunate followers until they died.


It’s so sad that people are being duped, believing something so untrue.

If you are in one of these phony, false religions, I’m writing this for you.

All I ask is that you really investigate what they teach and preach.

It’s the hurting people, looking for fellowship that they are out to reach.


Jesus is the only son of God. Satan is not his brother, as many believe.

This is another lie of the enemy and his goal is to steal, kill and deceive.

With so many hurting people looking for love in all the wrong places now.

These demonic religions are deceiving the masses and that’s how.

Read 2 Corinthians 11:4