Today I want to pray for my poem partners wherever they may be.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Today I want to pray for my poem partners wherever they may be.

I don’t know all of you personally, and many of you don’t know me.

But I want to stand in the gap for you and pray for your needs today.

It doesn’t matter where you are, God knows and hears when I pray.


Things will happen when we pray that are answered in a special way.

Yes, there are powerful heavenly forces going to work for us as we pray.

The God of the universe and a host of angels are available to you.

They are there to help you in all your needs and in all you need to do.


Everybody has a need in this life, some for help with a husband or wife.

Many times we all have a need in our family and need prayer in our life.

What I’m asking us all to do is pray for others, they need our prayers too.

If we all spend time praying for others we would see miracles come true.


In this nation and in this time we know that prayer is really needed now.

This is a good and the best way to turn this nation around now and how.

In the Bible when people prayed for one another in their time of need,

God would answer their prayers and His answer would always exceed