Sometimes in life we all go astray.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Sometimes in life we all go astray.

We all do differently, in our own way.

But many think it couldn’t happen to them.

That was the way I felt until the day when,


I had a terrible, trumatic thing happen in my life.

That day I experienced incredible strife.

Instead of getting on my knees, as I know I should.

Satan tempted me to sin, as I know he would.


Please don’t think you are immune to his ploy.

He will tempt you when you’re down with something to enjoy.

But then you realize you fell for that dominic trick.

Now the next day you are so ashamed, it makes you sick.


Thank God he will always forgive us and help us to start anew.

This happen to me lateley and maybe it’s happened to you?

But we can thank Almighty God that he always loves us, it’s true.

And He can forgive and even forget whatever you did and do.