Stop Grumbling

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Stop Grumbling: James 5:9

So many people grumble, find fault and complain, you’ll hear it every day.

When you’ve been around them long enough you’ll know what they will say.

When and if you are around them they usually complain about others then,

But you can be assured it’s your turn when you leave them.- -yes that’s when.


You will be the topic of their conversation and I don’t think you’ll  want to hear.

They have trained their brain to grumble and complain I want to make that clear.

Grumbling, complaining and finding fault with others is what so many do.

This isn’t pleasing to Almighty God, I hope this doesn’t include you.


If we, however,  have a problem and we’ve done all we can possibly do.

Then instead of being upset just pray and tell God, now it’s up to you.

Many things in this life we can’t understand or fix it, in some way.

That’s when as a wise and Godly person you ask God for His help that day.


We all know it’s so easy to say something in haste that we later regret.

It’s happened to me and all of us, maybe even to you, I’ll bet.

But living the life that God intends for us to live, is always best.

And realizing that every day we have the opportunity to sin as a test.