If you’re going through a tough time in life right now, here’s a clue.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

If you’re going through a tough time in life right now, here’s a clue.

You are not alone, this was preordained just for you.

No! It's not something that you wanted or planned on today.

But just be reassured, it is only a temporary setback, it won’t stay.


Some things, in fact many things, that happen to us we just don’t understand.

But just like Joseph in the Bible that was always in God’s hand.

He had to go through years of trouble and testing, wondering why.

When God had prophesied what would happen to him, but not die.


God has a great future in store for all His believers, even you, it’s true.

And it’s so reassuring that God is with you in whatever He’s putting  you through.

Somethings that seemed like it would destroy our life at that moment in time.

Was something orchestrated before your life began, something divine.


Will you trust Almighty God even now when it seems everything fell apart?

When you’re down and out, this is when the new opportunity could start.

If we could only see the beginning from the end, we could understand God’s plan.

God Almighty, is always out to benefit the lives of His own since our life began.