God has stored up blessings for all of us that truly believe.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

God has stored up blessings for all of us that truly believe.

So many of us wonder, Lord thanks but when  will I receive?

God’s timing sometimes seem to be so very slow.

This is when we need to stay in faith and not give in to frustration and woe.


Many times we get discouraged because of the delay

Some of us have been waiting for years and that’s OK.

There is a Godly reason why it hasn't happened yet.

God hasn’t forgotten you and His promise of success, this you can bet.


No! When the right time comes and you are living your life as you should.

This is when you can expect the blessings, when you’ve done all you could.

There is no secret sin in your life that you hope no one will know.

This is probably what's holding back the blessings, so they can’t flow.


Satan is the deceiver of the brethren, he knows just what to do.

He knows just how to tempt each of us in our specific weakness, it’s true.

I can almost imagine him grinning and laughing his devilish laugh today.

He knows you didn’t receive your fabulous blessing because he led you astray.