So many people are suffering from anxiety and stress today.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

So many people are suffering from anxiety and stress today.

There are many counseling businesses for which people dearly pay,

To get the correct and best answer that is available for free from God.

However, when you try to tell people about this pratical,  and best

solution you’ll be considered odd.


It’s so good to know that we have the best answer to any problem now.

We simply go in faith to  the living God, and He will show or tell us how.

To remedy and correct the problem as we seek His will and pray.

You can know that the best answer to your problem is on it’s way.


If people don’t know the benefits of being in the family of God, it’s true.

They will seek out one of these professional therapists, that’s what they do.

Some of these sessions can go on for an extended period of time too.

It can cost a pretty penny for their services, their income depends on you.


So today when we have anxiety, stress, fear and a problem that needs a solution.

Many times it is a demonic inspired problem, I call it mental polution.

Yes! It’s so good to know we have the ultimate resource available to you and me.

If you earnesly ask God for the answer, however, with God’s solution we must agree .