Today and everyday, is for all of us a test.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Today and everyday, is for all of us a test.

God wants us to always do our very best.

When we get that little inner voice each day.

Telling us to do or not do something and then obey.


It could be something we think as insignificant, it’s true.

Something that the little inner voice tells you how and what to do.

But that is the Holy Spirit prompting us to do the best thing.

It could be something you’ve been putting off, but now to  begin.


So many times we dismiss that prompting and ignore the warning.

Then we suffer the consequences and get the opportunity again.

But this time the situation will be different and harder to ignore,’

It’s almost like God is telling us that I’ve asked you to do this before.


No, don’t overlook that promoting from the Holy Spirit, just do His will.

When you obey fully, not just partially obeying, you’ll experience a thrill.

God is always looking out for our good, He sees what we can’t see.

Today do as that little invoice prompts, and with the Holy Spirit agree.