Protecting your imagination everyday, this is so very important to do.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Protecting your imagination everyday, this is so very important to do.

Our mind seems always wants to dwell on the negatives, it’e true.

Your mind can be used for incredible blessings coming your way.

But the enemy only wants you to dwell on negatives and what he wants to say.


He will tell you about the worst scenario because he wants you depressed.

On the other hand change the channel of your mind, so to speak and be blessed.

Your mind, your imagination,  is a tool that can be used for good or for bad.

It can create joy, excitment, anticipation or doom and gloom making you sad.


Most people pay attention to what the enemy puts in their mind every day.

They live their life in fear and turmoil, doubting God’s promises even if they pray.

If we could only realize the power of our thought life and change the channel when

A negative thought begins to try to make us doubt ourselves yes, that’s when.


We need to flip the remote control in our mind and tune into what God has in store.

He is our Heavenly Father and his blessings are stored up for what we need and so much more.

If we need healing, more money, a better job or maybe the spouse of your dreams.

He can provide them supernatually, He has the all the resources yes, all the means.


God wants you and me prosperous, healthy and enjoying the life of a child of the living God.

When others around us are in fear, frustration and anger, we will be probably considered odd.

But we are a chosen generation, and we are priveldged to prosper in this life.

So please don’t let a negative imagination take over and ruin your life.