Today’s poem is titled, “are you listening now?”

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Today’s poem is titled, “are you listening now?”

To that still small inner voice that prompts us to when, why and how,

It could be a prompting warning from the Lord to do or not do.

If you’ll heed that prompting it will always be best for you.


So many times in life we chose to ignore that small inner voice.

But if we ignore that prompting, we’ll make the wrong choice.

We heard that prompting telling us to do or not to do something then.

But we chose to override that prompting and ask why or when?


If we will tune into that prompting, it’s wisdom from God.

If you try to tell someone about it, they may think you odd.

But if we would only tune into God’s frequency then you’ll hear,

You can know He will guide you, then you’ll have nothing to fear .


He knows the end from the beginning, and why something hasn’t sold.

He knows the right timing and He also warns us all that glitters is not gold.

This poem is for someone facing an important decision today.

God is urging us all to listen to that prompting and heed what it has to say.