Here’s a promise from God for all of us today.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Here’s a promise from God for all of us today.

He will complete what he started and promised, in His own way.

God also put a dream in my heart that I know will surely come true.

I don’t know how it will happen, but this poem is from God for you too.


My dream was that one day my God inspired poems would be on TV.

So far, they are going to a very few in this world, but soon, for all to see.

God’s promise will. Many will be inspired by my poems there and then.

It’s going to happen in my life time, I know, I just don’t know how or when.


I know it’s so easy to give up on our dreams and let the enemy win.

But for all of us, God wants us to know that this is the day it will begin.

Just like Zerubbabel in the Bible when everything was going wrong.

When he was about to give up, the prophet Zechariah came along.


He told him to start buiding again. So many of us almost gave up too.

Well God is about to do something we didn’t think anyone could do.

All those plans and dreams that have laid dormant for many years now.

Will suddenly come to pass in a miraculous way for us and that’s how.