Sometimes in life we go through what is called, a night season.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Sometimes in life we go through what is called, a night season.

We really don’t know why this happened but know Almighty God has a reason.

In the Bible there are many incidents where something suddenly went wrong.

When all of a sudden that suddenly that made that person or people strong.

Look at David, a shepherd boy that was anointed to be the king one day.

But he went through many years of trials and temptations along the way.

We know he killed Goliath a huge warrior, the Philistine warrior over 9 ft lall.

But with God in control of our life, nothing or nobody can stop it at all.

God has a purpose for me and you that sometimes causes heartache and  pain.

We must always remember we are just going through it and it won’t remain.

Yes, in this life we may have valleys of grief and despair temporarily it’s true.

But again, just like David, God will never leave or forsake me and you.

When you see a butterfly, we don’t think of it as a transformed caterpillar then.

But if that now beautiful butterfly could tell you what it went through and when.

The transformation that took place in that cocoon  happened in due season.

Yes, in due season you too will reap the rewards and then know God’s reason.