Our lesson for the day is to do what you know you should do.

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Our lesson for the day is to do what you know you should do.

This is the best way to live your Christian life, this for me and you.

Don’t try to get away with sin and do what you know is wrong.

Pray constantly, read and study the Bible, you must stay strong.

Just know that everyday you will be tempted, yes even you.

We all have a weakness in our life, Satan knows them too.

You will be tempted to do or say something wrong, that's for sure.

However with God’s help He can you defeat that sin and endure.

Endure to fight once again the battle between evil and good.

Yes it is a daily fight for your very soul, I want that understood.

Satan only comes to steal, kill and destroy in any way he can.

This happened in the Garden of Eden and look what happened to man.

God, however, loves you and only wants the best for you and me every day.

Living your life, doing the best you can, and helping others is truly God’s way.

We are all on a journey through life and yes, we will all make mistakes.

Then pray to Jesus, apologize for your sin and repent, hallelujah! This is all it takes.