Are you seeking wealth, power and pleasure?

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Are you seeking wealth, power and pleasure?
Should you maybe be looking for a better treasure?
Everything that we all work so hard for can disappear suddenly, I know
It happened to me and many people without warning with nothing to show,

Many have experienced this “Suddenly” and what did they do?
Some committed suicide, others started a life of crime, etc but others who
Who knew Jesus as their true source of all that counts in this life
Were able to recover, start again with God’s help and not suffer the strife

The strife that the unbeliever experienced when his world came crashing down
And now they were no longer the elite and prosperous person in town.
Many lost their ‘so called friends’ when the money, and the credit cards were declined
 These so called friends now suddenly left you alone and they even whined

Now they don’t think you are that great and they say you made the mistake
Pay no attention to them, these fair weather friends are always fake
There is a way to protect your wealth, however, and all treasures from any loss
Keep them in Heaven  where there is total  safety and God is the boss

Heaven is the ultimate place for all to go and enjoy eternity with true friends
Your ticket for the trip was paid for long ago by Jesus and He intends
To have all the believers there to worship Him and enjoy their future home
So be sure you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and not be left to moan

Moan with the unbelievers that opted to listened  to the wrong  spirit that deceives
Now they have eternity to think about their wrong decisions and forever grieve
Please don’t make that mistake you don’t need money, fame or wealth to enter in
Just accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and ask Him to forgive your sins