Be a person of excellence

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin


Be a person of excellence
If you are a child of God
Be honest in all your dealing
To the world you will be odd
As a Christian you represent Christ
So your life is different than most
But we have been appointed by God
To be examples from coast to coast
Do everything to the best of your ability
For the gifts that the Lord has given you to do
Stay close to the Lord and seek His will daily
And whatever the task He will see you through
Expect persecution and ridicule from the world
They did that to Jesus, his disciples and many others
Remember that sinners still hate the saints
Stay strong in the faith my sisters and brothers
Just as Paul and others remained strong in the Lord
many others fell away from the faith when it got tough
But just like Paul and many others that stayed in faith
They knew with God on our side that's always enough.