Do not envy others!

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Do not envy others!
That can happen even with sisters and brothers.
Know you are special, you're one of a kind.
To fulfill God's purpose, He had just you in mind.
Each of us has been given a special talent or skill.
Sometimes we're tempted to feel ours is nil.
But know that your talent or skill is God's plan
Designed for you to fulfill, even before your life began.
Expect opposition, the enemy wants you to fail.
Satan, our enemy, knows our weakness, 
It's like he can read our mail
He knows what you need to do and what it will entail.

But we are winners in this life by doing God's will
And when we stand before God the master and hear 
"Well done my good and faithful friend" what a thrill
To know that today we know we are doing His will still