Now that I no longer want or need this home

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin
Now that I no longer want or need this home
I want to move now, without my wife  I'm alone
It made me realize that all we have is only on loan
That my true treasures are in my heavenly home.

No one can steal or destroy anything there
So really why should I now worry or care?
Heaven is where I'm heading at the end of my life
Where there is no hatred, jealousy or strife.
I'm sure it will take some adjustment for me
To think no worry,taxes or sin for all eternity
Is more than this mind can even comprehend
Where we won't need to buy, borrow or lend.
Heaven is the ultimate destination I hope also for you.
Everyone is headed at death to heaven or hell, it's true.
So today, choose heaven for your eternal home.
Hell is a place of eternal torment, agony and moans.