Today I feel like I have been a failure most of my life.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Today I feel like I have been a failure most of my life.
If you don’t believe me, just ask my ex-wife
It seems like all I did was make one mistake after another
I feel like I have made more mistakes more than any other.

Of course these mistakes were actually sins I did everyday
I was young and foolish and didn’t realize I would pay and pay
Thank God I finally realized that my sins could be washed away
When I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior, that was the day

When my whole life changed and even though I am not perfect yet
I am on the road to recovery and as a Christian here’s what I get.
A brand new life with my sinful life erased from God’s book
No my sins are not there now, even if you want to look.

Once our sins are forgiven by the Lord we start life anew
It sure happened to me and it can happen to you too
What a feeling to know that I am now a brand new man now
If your life is in turmoil and you want the peace of God, here’s how

Ask Jesus to come into your life and forgive all your sins today
Confess your sins and as your Lord and Savior He will wash them away
Never to be remembered by Him Now to Him your are totally whole
Just watch out for Satanic tricks. Satan doesn’t like losing control

Yes, you can be assured that Satan will tempt you again and again
But we, as a child of God have the victory, yes and AMEN
I can guarantee that you will sin even now but you will now know
And when it happens pray to Jesus for forgives and tell Satan where to go.