Today, many people are arrogant and proud

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin
Sep 16 at 11:18 AM
Today, many people are arrogant and proud
Foolish enough to think they don’t need God
They don’t realize their every breath depends on Him
He, who created them, to them, the foolish, this is odd
We, like them, take many things for granted everyday
Like breathing and doing our regular routine even today
But what happens when things go very wrong?
And now we are maybe no longer healthy and strong.
What do we do now that life has dramatically changed?
All the things we took for granted are now re-arranged
Do we get an attitude of pity, anger, frustration or what?
So today, let’s tell God you appreciate what you’ve got
Today this poem addresses both sinners and saints
In these last times we know that even the strong faints
Because of all the wars, famine, hatred and financial stress
Yes, we know this nation and the world is really in a mess.
Chaplain Anthony Murphy, ND