Today as I study the word

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer
Today as I study the word 
I sometimes can’t believe what I heard
From fellow Christians here at home
So fearful of the future, and they are not alone
But listening the news and what they predict and say
Is not something that the Bible teaches us today.
We are a peculiar people set aside by God
Oh I know to the people of the world we are odd.
But someday and it could be very soon now
These same people will ask us just how.
We can be happy and not fearful when everything is going wrong
It’s because we belong to Jesus that we can remain strong
This world is rapidly going the wrong way we know
The crime, weather , wars, and the economy tells us so
But we, as God chosen people, have nothing to fear
For we know our redemption is now is very near
So be happy that you are of the special chosen few
 As a fellow Christian you know when this life is through 
Heaven is waiting with Jesus and all the saints welcome you
So in these last days don't fall away from God whatever you do
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