If you’ve ever experienced the loss of a love one

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

If you’ve ever experienced the loss of a love one
You can understand why my heartache has begun.
We get so accustomed to having our partner around
When they are no longer here we listen for their sound

Sometimes we can almost feel their presence now
I know it’s only my imagination that’s how
I know that they are now in heaven with a new life
I only hope and pray that I was always good to my wife.

For the last years of her life she was in a nursing home.
I would visit her often, but she couldn’t talk only moan.
We would visit and talk about the good times we had
She would look at me with those big brown eyes so sad.

Now she’s with her loved ones that went on ahead before
It’s so sad to look now at old photo’s of the one I adore
The good news is that she has a new and vibrant life with God
So we can all be happy for her noq. I am. Is that wrong or odd?