I have a friend that turns trash into something good

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

I have a friend that turns trash into something good
He works with old discarded pallets made of wood.
Pallets that were to be burned I want that understood
God gave him this new talent. Because he knew he could.

In all of our lives we have opportunities come our way.
If an idea from God, came along what would you say?
Oh, that wouldn’t happen to me. Yes! It could happen today.
If God gives you an idea implement it without delay..

All inventions and idea’s from God are to benefit me and you.
So if God gives you an idea or invention what will you do?.
Think about all the inventors that completed their assigned task.
So what did you do with the idea, someday God will maybe ask.

I have also been given a new talent, idea for an invention and skill
When that invention becomes available soon and I know it will.
To know I did something that the Lord wanted will be my ultimate thrill’
Also know that God will provide the resources whatever the bill.,