As a retired Naturopath Doctor and Chaplain now.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

As a retired Naturopath Doctor and Chaplain now.
I am simply amazed of the new technology and how,
It enables me to contact anyone anywhere so fast
The good old fashioned friendship times are past.

Seems everyone is in a hurry and have so much to do.
If you are like me, a senior, you know this is true.
I still remember the TV show Mayberry USA.
And how they lived their lives enjoying the day.

As we know things were very different then
Nowadays it would be hard to remember when
When we just sat around with friends to talk
Or maybe just went for an enjoyable nature walk.

Oh I am not saying all this new technology is bad.
I can still remember the frustrations of the past I had.
When you needed to reach someone in a hurry
Then when we couldn’t reach them we’d worry.

What am I trying to say, enjoy the moments in your life.
Do something enjoyable to reduce your everyday strife.
Read your Bible, spend time in prayer and don’t hurry
If you have problems give them to God and don’t worry .

Proverbs 17:22