I recently asked Jesus what He thought about the Easter Bunny.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer
I recently asked Jesus what He thought about the Easter Bunny.
What I learned from Him, was the Easter Bunny is not funny.
It’s just like the other demonic deviation to lead people astray.
If you think this isn't true ask people the meaning of the day.
Many really won’t know, and many think it’s a day of vacation.
This indicates the spiritual health of many in our nation.
Scores of people are involved in an Easter egg hunt that day.
I just wonder how many take time to thank Jesus and pray?
This is the day that Jesus conquered death and the grave.
He arose alive from that tomb. He's the only one that can save.
Save us and give us eternal life, if we believe in Him today.
Jesus is the only way to heaven, there is no other way.
Many people will be upset with this poem, this I understand.
But when Jesus gives me the words to type -- it’s a demand.
I could write something that all people would like to hear.
But, I realize that the return of Jesus my Savior is very near.
Just know that Jesus was sent by God to show us His love.
That’s why Jesus came down to earth from heaven above.
The world was in terrible shape then, as it is today.
To see what Jesus has to say, read John 3:16 without delay.

1Corinthians 15: 3-5