Would you try to make friends with a deadly snake?

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Would you try to make friends with a deadly snake?
Would you believe they won’t harm you for your sake?
Most of us with any sense at all would not trust what they say
Yet this is what’s been promoted to us today.

Our enemy will do anything to destroy our nation.
Without God’s help they would do it without hesitation.
We are being sold a bill of goods, we are being deceived again.
I just wonder what it will take to wake up America and when?

We teach our children to stay away from danger this is true.
You know what will happen if they don’t listen to you.
They will suffer the consequences of their foolish act
When they get in a predicament it’s to late to react.

That’s why the Bible teaches us what is right and wrong
God loves us and in these last days, we need to be strong.
It’s so easy to take the easy way out and just go along.
But we will also suffer the consequences before very long.

Bible reference: 2 Chronicles 7:14