Do you, like me, sometimes think, ‘what’s the use?'

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Do you, like me, sometimes think, ‘what’s the use?'
Seems everything wrong is passed by government abuse.
Executive leadership abuse is very prevalent now today.
It doesn’t seem to matter what the people have to say.

They seem to have a hidden agenda to destroy this land
Releasing criminals was a something hard for me to understand
Open the borders to let any and all cross without control
How can this country sustain it’s freedoms that made it whole?

Sometimes I think that the leaders are not really for you and me.
Things we took for granted years ago are now know longer free.
Now we must be very careful what we say, it could be a hate crime.
I thank God that this world is not my eternal home. Heaven is mine.

There I won’t need to think about all the things we experience now.
It will be peace, joy and sickness free forever with Jesus that’s how.
Now I can spend my time worshiping God that allowed me to come.
I am so glad that I accepted Jesus as my Savior, God’s only son.

Heaven is the hope and destination of all that have accepted Jesus.
There is no other way to heaven . No matter what others preach or say.
If you are in doubt of your eternal how, please let me help you today.
Just confess your sins to Jesus and repent and live now God’s way.
Read Bible reference. John 3:16-21