Just wanted to thank you Lord for taking time out,

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer
Just wanted to thank you Lord for taking time out, 
Of running the huge universe to hear my prayer today.
I know, however,  you are never to busy to hear what I say.
You sometimes don’t answer immediately, sometimes delay.
That delay is sometimes hard to understand it’s true.
If you’ve prayed and waited for something this could be you too.
But realizing that God is so much smarter than you and me
I’ve asked for things that were not always best, I'll agree.
His wisdom and understanding is always the very best
When I ask Him for something it’s just a request
I know God loves me and my heavenly father knows best.
After I have asked in faith believing, I can now rest,
Sometimes the answer comes in a way I did not expect.
It’s now up to me to accept His answer or maybe reject.
If I choose to reject what  God is doing for me,  I lose.
He always gives the best solution and that's what I will choose.
James 1:5