Everybody has something that God wants them to do.

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Everybody has something that God wants them to do.
Do you know that special assignment given to you?
We each have a special and unique talent or skill.
That talent and skill is designed to fill a special bill.

That bill is a need that needs to be met by you for God
He uses his people to do things that maybe considered odd.
Some talents and skills are sometimes something truly unique.
Joyce Myers, uses her to teach. She is truly anointed to speak

Someday we will all stand in front of the Lord, this we know.
In the Bible is the story about the three given talents to sow
One was given 10, one was given 5 and the other just one
All were rewarded or condemned by what they had done.

When we stand in front of the Lord someday.
And He asks what did you do with your talent, what will you say?
It would be wonderful to see God smile at you and nod His head.
Or frown because you wasted your talent and skill instead.

Bible reference, Matthew: 25: 14-30