If you ever feel afraid, like many do

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer
If you ever feel afraid, like many do 
Here is some very good news for you.
If you are a born again Christian believer 
In Jesus Christ and not some false deceiver.
Never fear, your angels are always nearby.
They are there to protect you, here’s why.
You were assigned these angels by Almighty God
Oh sure, I know some think that I’m odd.
But the Bible clearly tells that they are there 24/7
They don’t sleep or go on potty break to heaven 
No! These are actually at your beck and call
Some Christians never take advantage of this at all.
So many times you have been saved from danger, like me
Satan will try to kill, and destroy however your angels always see
Angels are appointed by God to protect us day and night.
If you will call on the angels, everything’s going to be alright.
Bible references: Psalm 91:11 and Luke 4:10