“How Great Is Your Faith?” Is the Question of the Day

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

“How great is your faith?” is the question of the day.
If God were to ask you that, what would you say?
So many profess their faith in Christ it's true.
But do they believe it in all they say and do?

Let's look at the faith of some in the Bible now.
When they had an impossible situation and how
they were able to overcome it by their faith in God.
Yes, even then in those days they were considered odd.

Let's talk about Peter, a man after my own heart.
He had many frailties like me, but that's where we'll start.
Remember how when he saw Jesus walking on the water that day,
he was the only one to climb out of the boat and walk, come what may.

He actually walked on the water for a little while too.
Then when he looked at the wind and the waves he began to sink, it's true.
As long as he looked at Jesus, he could do something that seemed impossible to do.
When we obey God and consistently do His will, that's what God wants of you.