“I Love You” Is God's Message for Us Today

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

“I love you” is God's message for us today.
This isn't just a frivolous statement or just something to say.
No! God's love is very different from ours.
He loves us forever, not just for years, months or hours.

His love is an agape love, something that's hard to understand.
He longs for us to love Him back, but it is not a command.
If we could only comprehend this kind of love
we could really appreciate our Father, God in Heaven above.

This world has a different interpretation of love here and now.
It's a selfish love, they want what they want, and don't care how.
How and who they hurt, in their quest to get what they desire.
They can become an adulterer, murderer, thief and liar.

That love soon grows cold and can even turn into hate.
When they first married, they were so “in love” with their mate.
But, after the honeymoon, they saw each other’s flaws and then
they wondered what they saw in that person, and wonder why and when.