Spending Time With My Jesus Is a Pleasure

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Spending time with my Jesus is a pleasure.
Spending time with Jesus is a treasure.
Sometimes our busy schedule limits our time.
Maybe not yours, but it sure does try mine.

The enemy doesn't like us to do this everyday.
And, Satan will use anything in any way
to stop this time with Jesus, he knows exactly what to do.
He'll use procrastination, or some other shrewd excuse on you.

Just remember that God our Father wants your love.
That's why He sent His beloved son down from above.
If Satan can stop your devotional time with Jesus today
you can be sure he will do it in any way.

When we have a close walk with the Lord each day,
we can expect God's incredible blessings to come our way.
God loves to bestow us with blessings we can't contain.
Satan wants people sick and poor, and in that to remain.

Bible Reference: James 4:8