Some Days I Feel Like I'm Losing the Battle, It's True

by Dr. Anthony Murphy writer

Some days I feel like I'm losing the battle, it's true.
Seems everything I do goes wrong, how about you?

I can almost see Satan laughing and enjoying my frustration.

However, I know that Jesus can help me without hesitation.

The enemy loves to see us upset and will do all he can.

It's nothing new, he's done it since the beginning of man.

We can all recall a situation where things looked very bad.

Were we were frustrated, annoyed, upset and boiling mad.

Maybe you don't remember anything like this in your life.

I know some reading my poems are angels without worldly strife.

Yet, for many of us this battle goes on day-to-day.

But, have faith in God, “we will win the war” is what Jesus would say.

So, when things look like they couldn't get any worse,

remember we belong to Jesus, and are no longer under the curse.

The curse that Satan puts on unsuspecting and ignorant folks.

Thank God we have the power through Jesus to overcome his jokes.