Be Wise and Don't Compromise

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin
Be wise and don't compromise.
This is a statement the world will despise.
They tell you there are many ways to God.
You declare, “You are wrong!” — Now you are odd.

Yes, the world is into compromise in so many ways,
seems like it is escalating more and more these days.
Political correctness is promoted now as a fact.
But, it’s just another way to compromise how you act.

As Christians and believers in the one true God, today
we must listen to the Holy Spirit and what He has to say.
He speaks in a soft, quiet voice to our inner man.
You know the feeling, He was with us when our life began.

That's the little feeling we get when "something" tells us don't or do.
It's the prompting of the Holy Spirit that wants the best for you.
He knows the future and what that decision will bring, and be the best.
So, listen to the prompting, do as you are lead, and then rest.