Living to Give Pleases God Every Day

by Chaplain Anthony Murphy Site Admin

Living to give pleases God every day.
We can all find ways to give in some sort of way.
Sometimes just a smile or a friendly word.
“That is just what was needed!” is what I’ve heard.

God tells me what to write and I do it fast.
Knowing that these words I write will forever last.
They are truly inspired words of wisdom — they're not mine.
I take no credit for these thoughts from the divine.

We are Christ's ambassadors here on this lump of clay.
This is where we are assigned to help someone every day.
There is so much hatred, strife, bitterness and turmoil now.
We can be God's instrument of blessings, and here's how…

Be a giver in any way possible, bless others because you can.
God loves a cheerful giver and since I myself began
I have experienced blessings that come from an unexpected source.
This is God's promise to us. Will he bless us abundantly? Of course!